A followup visit was undertaken to check the western station at Nipika Mountain Resort. A team from UNBC (Jeremy and his partner Kirsti) made the drive to Kootenay National Park from Prince George on October 26th prior to the site visit the next day. The morning held a mix of snow and rain, which thankfully finished upon arrival at Nipika. The team headed straight to the station to find it was in fine form! Data logged since installation show that the station is functioning as designed, and the station looks great! The temporary fencing installed during the first visit was replaced, and some very nice info signs were put up. Following the station visit, the team headed to the resort to chat logistics with the owners of Nipika resort. Lyle, although busy with a large group of nordic ski trainees, was very kind to take time from his day to show the UNBC group around site to touch base. A huge thanks again to Nipika Mountain Resort for their continued support for this project! - Jeremy Morris
UNBC M.Sc. student